

A computational framework for solving complex fluid dynamics and heat transfer problems, supporting large-scale parallel simulations.


Uintah-Wasatch is a powerful computational fluid dynamics code designed to meet the demands of high-performance computing (HPC) by leveraging the Uintah framework, Domain Specific Language (DSL), directed acyclic graphs (DAG), and parallel computing. Explore more at Uintah-Wasatch GitHub.

Key Features of Uintah-Wasatch

  • Finite Volume Multiphysics Solver: Supports a wide range of physics, including incompressible constant density Navier-Stokes solver, Large Eddy Simulation (LES) with four turbulence models, Lagrangian particle transport, and more.
  • Parallel Computing: Leverages the Uintah framework for runtime parallelism, allowing efficient load balancing, communication pattern inference, and domain decomposition.
  • Complex Geometries and Boundary Conditions: Supports complex geometries, boundaries, and boundary conditions, enabling the simulation of real-world scenarios.
  • Multiphysics Complexity Management: Utilizes ExprLib, a C++ library, to address multiphysics complexity by providing an API for developers to write physics as fundamental expressions on a graph.
  • Hardware and Programming Complexity: Employs Nebo, an embedded domain-specific language (EDSL), to simplify the solution of partial differential equations (PDEs) on structured, uniform grids.

Applications and Services

  • Multiphysics Simulations: Enables the simulation of a wide range of multiphysics problems, including incompressible flows, turbulence modeling, Lagrangian particle transport, population balances, and more.
  • Complex Geometries and Boundary Conditions: Supports the modeling of complex geometries and boundary conditions, allowing for accurate representation of real-world scenarios.
  • Efficient Parallel Computing: With its parallel computing capabilities, Uintah-Wasatch can efficiently utilize computing resources, enabling faster simulations and analysis.
  • Visualization and Analysis: Produces output data in formats such as VTK, which can be visualized and analyzed using tools like ParaView or VisIt.


  • Multiphysics Solver: Uintah-Wasatch is a cutting-edge finite volume multiphysics application code that supports a wide range of physics.
  • Parallel Computing: Uintah-Wasatch leverages the Uintah framework for runtime parallelism, allowing efficient load balancing, communication pattern inference, and domain decomposition.

Tags for Uintah-Wasatch:

  • Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Multiphysics Solver
  • Parallel Computing
  • Complex Geometries
  • Boundary Conditions