IGV Introduction

August 24, 2024

IGV (The Integrative Genomics Viewer): A Comprehensive Guide

IGV Introduction
IGV Introduction

The Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV) is a powerful, open-source tool designed for the visualization and exploration of genomic data. Developed by the Broad Institute, IGV provides an intuitive interface for displaying a wide range of genomic data types, including sequence alignments, variant calls, gene expression data, and more. Its ability to handle large datasets with high performance makes it a preferred choice among researchers in genomics, bioinformatics, and related fields.

image source: researchgate
image source: researchgate

Applications of IGV

Genomic Data Visualization

IGV excels in visualizing high-throughput sequencing data. It can display read alignments from DNA-seq, RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, and other sequencing technologies. Researchers use IGV to:

  • Inspect alignment quality.
  • Identify structural variations and copy number alterations.
  • Explore gene expression patterns.

Variant Analysis

IGV is commonly used for examining genetic variants. It allows users to visualize single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), insertions, deletions, and structural variants in the context of the reference genome. This is particularly useful in studies of genetic diseases and cancer genomics.

Comparative Genomics

Researchers can use IGV to compare genomic data across different samples or species. This feature is invaluable for evolutionary studies, population genetics, and comparative genomics.


IGV supports the visualization of epigenetic data such as DNA methylation, histone modifications, and chromatin accessibility. This capability aids in the study of gene regulation and epigenetic mechanisms.

How to Use IGV

Install IGV

IGV can be installed on multiple operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. Users can download the latest version from the official IGV website.

Loading Genomic Data

Once installed, users can load their genomic data files into IGV. Supported file formats include:

  • BAM: Binary alignment/map files for read alignments.
  • VCF: Variant call format files for genetic variants.
  • BED: Browser extensible data files for genomic regions.
  • WIG: Wiggle format files for continuous data tracks.

Navigating the Interface

IGV provides a user-friendly interface with various controls for navigating and exploring genomic data. Key features include:

  • Genome Navigation: Zoom in and out of genomic regions, scroll across chromosomes, and jump to specific loci.
  • Track Management: Add, remove, and reorder data tracks for customized views.
  • Data Exploration: Click on features to view detailed information, such as read alignments, variant annotations, and gene structures.

Analyzing Data

IGV offers several tools for data analysis, including:

  • Alignment Inspection: Visualize read alignments to assess mapping quality and identify potential sequencing artifacts.
  • Variant Visualization: Explore genetic variants in the context of the reference genome and associated annotations.
  • Expression Analysis: Display gene expression levels and compare across samples or conditions.

Benefits of Using IGV

High Performance

IGV is optimized for performance, enabling it to handle large genomic datasets efficiently. This allows researchers to visualize and analyze data without significant lag or delay.


IGV supports a wide range of data types and formats, making it a versatile tool for various genomics applications. Whether working with DNA-seq, RNA-seq, or epigenetic data, IGV provides the necessary visualization capabilities.

User-Friendly Interface

The intuitive interface of IGV makes it accessible to both novice and experienced users. Comprehensive documentation and tutorials are available to help users get started quickly.

Integration with Other Tools

IGV integrates seamlessly with other bioinformatics tools and databases, enhancing its functionality and utility in genomic research.

Running IGV on DiPhyx

DiPhyx Platform Overview

DiPhyx is a transformative scientific computing platform designed to streamline and enhance research in bioinformatics and computational biology. It integrates a variety of life sciences software tools, including IGV, into a unified, cloud-native environment.

Benefits of Using DiPhyx for IGV

  • Comprehensive Tool Integration:
  • Scalability and Efficiency:
  • Enhanced Visualization:
  • Collaboration:

How to Use IGV on DiPhyx

  1. Sign Up and Log In:
  2. Upload Data:
  3. Create a Compute Unit:
  4. Access IGV:
  5. Load Data:
  6. Analyze and Visualize:

IGV is a powerful and versatile tool for visualizing and analyzing genomic data. Its high performance, user-friendly interface, and wide range of supported data formats make it an essential tool for researchers in genomics, bioinformatics, and related fields. By running IGV on the DiPhyx platform, users can further enhance their research capabilities with scalable, cloud-based resources and collaborative features.