Last edit August 04, 2024

dxflow up

Starting dxflow

Here is the comprehensive optionos of starting dxflow:

> diphyx dxflow up --help
Start the dxflow core and extension services using the provided options

  diphyx dxflow up [flags]

      --no-download           skip the dependency download
      --volume-path string    volume path (default "AUTO")
      --secret-key string     secret key (default "AUTO")
      --zero-key string       zero key (default "AUTO")
      --server-ip string      server ip (default "AUTO")
      --https                 enable https
      --create-compute-unit   creates a new DiPhyx compute unit
  -h, --help                  help for up

Global Flags:
      --no-color   disable color output

Here is the detailed description of the flags:

  • --no-download: diphyx download the services every time dxflow get start to ensured the using most updated version of the services. You can avoid this by using this flag.
  • --volume-path: This the volume the get mounted on the dxflow from the machine you are running diphyx command on. the default of the mounted volume in case of not mentioneig this command is ~\.dphyx\volume.
  • --secret-key: This is key that connect the dxflow to diphyx dashboard. You don't need to provide this key, If you are already logged in (See login).
  • --zero-key: This is the zerossl which we use to get a ssl for the dxflow. You don't need to provide this key, If you are already logged in (See login).
  • --server-ip:This is key that connect the dxflow to diphyx dashboard. You don't need to provide this key, If you are already loged in.
  • --create-compute-unit if you want to make this running dxflow available on the DiPhyx dashboard you have to use this flag.
  • --https: ensure the secure connection between the dxflow and diphyx dashboard.


Here is an example of starting a dxflow service on a linux or Mac machine:

The first step is to login. Then obtaining the public ip of the machine:

> curl

StatusCode        : 200
StatusDescription : OK
Content           :

the value in front of the Content is the public IP of your device. Now start the dxflow:

diphyx dxflow up --volume-path ~/Projects/ --server-ip YOU.R.IP.ADDRESS --https --create-compute-unit 

This command starts a dxflow service on your machine and connect it to your diphyx dashboard.