Getting Started with DiPhyx

Welcome to DiPhyx, the premier platform for scientific computing. This guide will walk you through the initial setup and introduce you to the core features of DiPhyx, ensuring a smooth start to your scientific computing projects.

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Step 1: Create Your Account

  1. Visit the DiPhyx registration page.
  2. If you are on "Starter" package, type "diphyx" in the namespace section. Otherwise write your team or enterpise namspace.
  3. Fill in your details and submit the form.
  4. Verify your email address following the instruction when signing in.

Step 2: Configuring Compute Units

The first step on running any model, simulation, notebook, or interactive sessoin is to create a compute-unint.

  1. In your project dashboard, click on Compute Units.
  2. Click New Compute Unit to specify your computational resource requirements.
  3. Select your preferred cloud provider and configure the resources according to your needs.

For more step-by-step instruction visit Craete a Compute-Unit

Step 3: Run a Software

  1. Log in to your DiPhyx account.
  2. Go to the Software Package page, under your desired software click on Create Instance.
  3. Provide a name and select the Compute-Unit you want to run the software on.

Utilizing the CLI for Advanced Operations

  1. Install the DiPhyx CLI tool following the instructions in the API Access through CLI section.
  2. Use the CLI to automate job submissions, manage projects, and retrieve data.

Next Steps

Now that you're familiar with setting up your environment on DiPhyx, dive deeper into customizing templates and optimizing your workflows by visiting the Customizing Templates section.

Congratulations on starting your journey with DiPhyx! We're excited to support you in pushing the boundaries of scientific discovery.

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@2023-2024 DiPhyx, Inc.